Title : Belly Of The Whale
Belly Of The Whale is a homage to a step in the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell that I feel I can relate to. In this step the hero must confront him/herself on the conscious and unconscious level in order to break through an obstacle that is holding them back from further progression. For a long time like many individuals out there I have been suffering from a case of obsessive compulsive disorder. It is a very hard obstacle to completely break from because every decision I make I constantly second guess it. OCD completely shuts down my work ethic and pace whenever I try to finish a project, in a way it means I want to be a perfectionist. Belly Of The Whale chronicles my journey into understanding what brings about my OCD and allows viewers to look at what not only happens on the surface but also on the inside. The paper represents my conscious decisions and path with myself as it flows organically across the board supported by white tacks on areas of tension. The overlapping forms convey the backtracking of my decisions in an effort to keep them consistent, the projection of the represent my unconscious self and the decisions that I try to make to break from my conscious self. Sometimes you will have areas that completely work in unison with each other but majority of what is happening is constant conflict.