Saturday, September 11, 2010

Experimental Pitch


Theme - What is the purpose of Play? Why do we need it and what activates it?

Genre - A genre for this animation would be comedy/family/adventure with the manifestations that come from the evolving aspects of play.

Story - The story for this animation starts as a mark on a piece of paper that evolves into abstract shapes that embody play. The more play that the piece embodies the bigger/colorful it gets with each passing frame. So the story is that of our own evolving definitions of play as we mature and the essential pieces of play that we hang on to in order to advance that definition.


I don’t necessarily know if my animation could completely follow a three act structure since I really want to be experimental with my process and leave a lot of it up to fate. It will start off completely with a line drawn in ink which can’t be erased or taken back completely….whatever mark is made influences the next frame of the piece. I have to keep building upon the idea and morph it into something that seems like it could have been snatched out of the air. I want the goal of this animation to show the ever changing/evolving process of play and how it shifts its physical meaning while maintaining the inner emotion that it started out with. This is a very light hearted animation that deals with comedy/family fun with a hint of spontaneous craziness.



For my animation I want to use paper and different techniques for inking like starting off with a ballpoint pen for the initial line and then proceeding on to quill and black india ink. As it goes on I will start to go into ink washing the drawings to add more depth to it as it pops off the page. So the primary supplies for this animation would be the use of a scanner or camera to capture me using different types of instruments that deal with its primary source of media being ink.

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