I thought this article was absolutely amazing. It made me sit back and rethink a lot of my process from day to day. It is correct that we stride away from the Web altogether and don't really focus on the Internet itself. Like the article stated that a lot of people move away from actually using their PCs to access the web and utilize them through apps. Most of my time when I go about my life through my day I can't get away from an app of some kind and the idea of how easy it is to gain some level of monetary gain from this industry is enormous. I've even tried doing a little bit of programming myself for the multiple formats out there. You can't survive today without trying to test your hands in the market that exists thanks to the evolution of the Internet over the last ten years. Before you could simply make a living just being a designer and a programmer.....now you have to become everything in terms of what it means to successfully run a business. In terms to the article we read last class.....I don't know if it is exactly making us stupid. It is most definitely streamlining all of our processes so that we can focus on this new lifestyle that has been made for us thanks to the media. In some fashion it has made us extremely reluctant to go out and do what we used to like writing a paper by hand, reading a book that is printed, actually looking outside to see what the weather is like, and etc... That is the extreme to this generation, we find ourselves completely dumbfounded by the rich because they made everything too easy for us in terms of finding information and persons. We now put these people on a pedestal so high that we forget that we can absolutely do the same thing.
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